Unfortunately, the waves and lack of sunlight caused the waters to be too murky for good snorkeling. Thus, we were spared from being eaten (or scared to death) by the sharks that were undoubtely lurking amoungs the turtle lairs.
Our helicopter ride was scheduled for noon, so we got ourselves ready and set off for the hangar. Wouldn't you know it, the Waimea Canyon and Napali Coast were completely socked in. No death ride for us today. Try again tomorrow at 3pm...
Disappointed but not ready to let Fate off the hook just yet, we decided that this might be just the (windy, rainy) day to drive up to the north island. Here's the view from the co-pilot seat of our rented PT cruiser.

Thankfully, the weather did clear up some, eventually. At least until we were half-way through our self-guided tour of the Limahuli National Tropical Botanical Garden. Think Vietnam. In a torrential downpour. The gardens may have been washed out to sea. We were too cold and wet to stick around to find out.

We were both quite ready for a drink by the time we drove back down to Princeville. We thought we'd hit the swanky Princeville Hotel for a Mai Tai. Turns out they've been closed for renovations for about a year. No salmon mousse for us today!
On Aaron's suggestion, we stopped at the Marriot Hotel in Lihue for dinner on the way back to Poipu. As he said, it was really a sight to see. And the Mai Tai...mmmmm....delicious! (More about that later)
Anyways, despite Fate's best effort (yet) we managed to make it through this Friday the 13th without incident. (That we know of. At least we're pretty sure we're still alive.)
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