On our first morning in Paradise, we awoke to the sound of mourning doves, typhoon-like wind and jungle rain. Not exactly what we were hoping for. However, we realized that this might be a very well disguised blessing, in that we would now not be wasting a lot of time on trivial activities such as swimming, snorkeling, sunbathing, mountain-biking, hiking or kayaking. We could now dedicate ourselves fully to our search for the UMToK.
As any good explorers would, we set out to get the lay of the land and reconnoiter potential watering holes. We thought it would be civilized to begin with a delicious tropical breakfast of fresh fruits and locally-grown coffee. We consulted a local hospitality expert for ideas. She highly recommended an establishment “a short drive west” of Poipu. After 40 minutes on the road, we came upon the greasy spoon. Heart attacks on a plate, sure. Fresh fruit? Not a trace.
By the time we got back to Koloa Town, it was lunchtime. We dragged our near-starved butts into Tomkat’s Grille for a couple of fantastic mahi-mahi burgers. Between the friendly server and the three resident cats, we were quite entertained. Best of all, we noticed they offer a $3 Mai Tai Happy Hour Special! As Governor Schwarzenegger would say - we’ll be back!
Our strength restored, we returned to exploring. And shopping. We came across this Klingon Toad along the side of the road. He was about the size of a dinner plate. Mark was afraid to get out of the car, so I had to take the picture.
We found a “sunshine market” and so to avoid another “fruitless” search for breakfast, we stocked up on the 3 P’s: papayas, pineapples, and pomellos. The orchids were about $15 each. Too bad we can’t bring such things back with us.
As any good explorers would, we set out to get the lay of the land and reconnoiter potential watering holes. We thought it would be civilized to begin with a delicious tropical breakfast of fresh fruits and locally-grown coffee. We consulted a local hospitality expert for ideas. She highly recommended an establishment “a short drive west” of Poipu. After 40 minutes on the road, we came upon the greasy spoon. Heart attacks on a plate, sure. Fresh fruit? Not a trace.
By the time we got back to Koloa Town, it was lunchtime. We dragged our near-starved butts into Tomkat’s Grille for a couple of fantastic mahi-mahi burgers. Between the friendly server and the three resident cats, we were quite entertained. Best of all, we noticed they offer a $3 Mai Tai Happy Hour Special! As Governor Schwarzenegger would say - we’ll be back!

We found a “sunshine market” and so to avoid another “fruitless” search for breakfast, we stocked up on the 3 P’s: papayas, pineapples, and pomellos. The orchids were about $15 each. Too bad we can’t bring such things back with us.
Time got away on us and we found ourselves stuck in Rush Hour trying to make it to Happy Hour at Tomkats!
Somehow I missed this post. Glad to see we're going to have some other details about your trip. Here's hoping the sun comes out.