So...after a very smooth and (almost) orderly start, we've hit our first hiccup - an aircraft mechanical delay in Seattle. Thank heavens, Mark had two passes to the Alaska Air Boardroom - where cushy seats, snacks, and free drinks awaited!
We stowed our stuff, pulled up two window seats and made ourselves comfy. Seeing an opportunity to try out the scoring rubric, Linette headed to the bar. Since pineapples are not native to these rainy lands, we found ourselves confronted with sampling the little known Northern Albino Mai Tai.
Location: Alaska Airlines Boardroom, SeaTac Int'l Airport, Seattle, WA
1. Presentation
We immediately noticed an appalling absence of colour and Hawaiian thematic elements. In fact, if not for a lonely slice of lime, this drink could've been mistaken for a glass of sprite!
Score: 0
2. Flavour
A tentative first sip revealed however, that this drink could never be accused of being too rummy, or even having any trace of rum in it whatsoever! Which is not to say there was no alcohol involved. In fact, it might be more accurate to descibe the flavour as having distinct juniperous notes. The high ice content of this drink made it necessary to consume it at a faster than usual rate to minimize water contamination. Oh darn.
Score: -1/5
3. Location ambiance
Although pleasantly appointed, the Boardroom's tropical ambiance was limited to a handful of dusty, plastic plants. CNN instead of Don Ho just didn't cut it. To make matters worse, we were the only people in shorts and loud shirts - made even louder by our enthusiasm and the dull, overcast weather backdrop. At least the seats didn't stick to our butts.
Score: 1/5
4. Psychomotor Effects
Minimal psychomotor motor effects were noted (at least by us) due to the extended period of time spent waiting for our flight, and the rather conservative and strictly-enforced 3 drink limit.
Score: 2/5
5. Server Enthusiasm
The Northern Albino Mai Tai may have recieved a higher server enthusiasm score had there actually been a server. However, we have decided to award partial points for generous pours.
Score: 1/5
6. Cost
Did we mention they were free? Woo-hoooooooo!
Score: 5/5
Overall score: 1/5