Sunday, March 29, 2009

Be It Ever So Chilly, There's No Place Like Home

All good things must come to an end: and so it is with vacations to tropical islands. It was with mixed feelings that we left the Garden Isle of Kauai. We were both tired of dodging the rain storms while trying to get in some sunny beach time and we were missing our dogs, but there were adventures still to have, sights left to see...and Mai Tai's left to drink (though not many!).

Our flight was a red-eye that left Lihue airport at 10:30pm, but we were both so tired that we managed to sleep through most of the trip, which seemed like 2 hours instead of 6. Our luck continued and we made a connection home much earlier than we had been scheduled to, so we got in at noon instead of after 1 am. We crashed for five hours more sleep and then were ready to start slipping back into the old routines...such as buying groceries for dinner. Here's one intrepid individual returning from a successful foraging mission, in the midst of harsh elements.

Despite the disgusting white slop that was pelting down from the sky, we were glad to be home...but it would only be a matter of time before our thoughts would begin to turn toward our next expedition: the Search for the Ultimate Pina Colada on the British Virgin Islands! :o))

We Found It: The Ultimate Mai Tai on Kauai!

Location: Mariott Kauai Resort, Lihue

Well, after a long and arduous search, we acted on a tip from seasoned explorer friend and went to the Mariott Hotel on Nawiliwili Bay in Lihue. The ambiance was an odd mix of polynesian and other cultures, but there was live Hawaiian music playing and tiki torches, with the sound of the Pacific Ocean in the background, so things looked promising. We opened the drink menu and we knew our search was over. There it was, listed in black and white: the Ultimate Mai Tai. Fate had brought us to the right place.

We ordered two and were rewarded with the ideal blend of rum and fruit juice, in a classic glass, with fruit garnish...but no umbrella! When we mentioned this to our server, he lamented that they had stopped using the little paper umbrellas about a year ago. Oh, well...nothing is ever perfect!

So our quest was over. We had tasted a lot of Mai Tai's--some good, some better, some so good they were dangerous--but both of us agreed that overall, the Mariott's Mai Tai was indeed, the Ultimate Mai Tai on Kauai.

Honorable Mention: Oasis Bar and Grill Mai Tai, Sheraton Kauai Resort, Poipu

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Friday the 13th...

Although we made light of it while booking our doors-off Napali Coast helicopter tour for the morning of Friday the 13th, we did wake that morning wondering what we'd gotten ourselves in to. Since it seemed that the odds would be most in favour of us meeting our makers during that activity, we set out for an early morning snorkel in the rough seas outside of the condo.

Unfortunately, the waves and lack of sunlight caused the waters to be too murky for good snorkeling. Thus, we were spared from being eaten (or scared to death) by the sharks that were undoubtely lurking amoungs the turtle lairs.

Our helicopter ride was scheduled for noon, so we got ourselves ready and set off for the hangar. Wouldn't you know it, the Waimea Canyon and Napali Coast were completely socked in. No death ride for us today. Try again tomorrow at 3pm...

Disappointed but not ready to let Fate off the hook just yet, we decided that this might be just the (windy, rainy) day to drive up to the north island. Here's the view from the co-pilot seat of our rented PT cruiser.

Thankfully, the weather did clear up some, eventually. At least until we were half-way through our self-guided tour of the Limahuli National Tropical Botanical Garden. Think Vietnam. In a torrential downpour. The gardens may have been washed out to sea. We were too cold and wet to stick around to find out.

We were both quite ready for a drink by the time we drove back down to Princeville. We thought we'd hit the swanky Princeville Hotel for a Mai Tai. Turns out they've been closed for renovations for about a year. No salmon mousse for us today!

On Aaron's suggestion, we stopped at the Marriot Hotel in Lihue for dinner on the way back to Poipu. As he said, it was really a sight to see. And the Mai Tai...mmmmm....delicious! (More about that later)

Anyways, despite Fate's best effort (yet) we managed to make it through this Friday the 13th without incident. (That we know of. At least we're pretty sure we're still alive.)

Play it Again, Mike (Part D'uh)

Casablanca's Happy Hour Mai Tai

Location: Casablanca's Restaurant, Poipu

We did return to Casablanca's eventually and were delighted to find this lovely drink, served up for a whopping $4! Very tasty, well-presented, and worth every American penny!

Overall Score: 4

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Brennecke's Tai Chi - Step Up and Raise Hands!

As planned, we returned to Brennecke's to sample their high-test Mai Tai, the Tai Chi.

The slow and graceful flavour of the Tai Chi certainly did relax us. However, it would probably take more than one for us to realize any improvements in flexibility or coordination.

This drink was pretty and yummy, but still a little Hawaiian Punch-like for our tastes. The Tai Chi cost just a little more than B's regular Mai Tai ($7.50 instead of $6.95) but was worth it for the improved flavour (not to mention nicer glass and umbrella!).

Overall Score: 3+

Back To Paradise

Another beautiful day in Kauai. We had planned to go back and snorkel with our turtle neighbours this morning, but the wind's come up so a Plan B was in order. So, off to Mark's favorite spot we went. The road hasn't gotten any better, but it hasn't gotten any worse either. Mark's begun to view driving this route as a far, we and the rental car are holding up.

Just up from the beach there's a breath-taking hike along the volcanic rock cliffs. The wind was so blustery today that we both nearly lost our hats at several points along the way.

Standing near the edge to take a picture isn't too scary until you walk a little farther and look back to find the cliff you were standing on has been so far undercut by the waves!

Our pictures don't do the colour of the water's an indescribable shade of blue/green. As the sky colour changes, so does the water. Just like in the movies!

We ventured into the surf just off the beach for a quick snorkel. There are noticeable rip tides in this area, and although there are several reefs offshore, there is a wide channel in between them - big enough for Monk seals (and sharks!!!) to find their way through. Plenty of pretty fish here, but no turtles.

With the change in weather and having had a wee bit too much sun this morning, I treated myself to a nice long nap this afternoon while Mark read his book (slept) out on chair on the lanai.

Dinner conversation this evening revolved primarily around tomorrow's planned helicopter ride up the Napali Coast, across the Waimea Canyon, and over the (we hope) extinct volcanic crater. If you've seen Jurassic Park, Napali is the coastline featured in that film. Helicopter's might be no big deal for some people but tomorrow we'll be flying door-less, weather permitting!

A Perfect Day in Kauai

If I could imagine a perfect day in Kauai, it would go something like this...
A slow, yummy breakfast with a couple cups of strong, local brew (coffee), followed by an hour's snorkel at a lava rock and white sand beach just steps from our condo. We'd come upon a herd of napping sea turtles, who would waken and in their curiousity, float up to the surface to swim and frolic with us in the gentle surf.

We'd dry off and laze about in the sun for a while, and then find a local hole-in-the-wall take out place for a catch-of-the-day fish burger. Ono, perhaps? After that we'd do a little sight-seeing and picture taking, and find another beautiful beach. Instead of snorkeling, we'd forget our ages and jump into the waves like a couple of little kids. We'd resign ourselves to the sea, and let her bounce and tumble us around for a good, long while.

Once our suits were well and full of sand, we'd head home to clean up and find a spot to watch the sunset before setting out in search of another Mai Tai to sample - after spending an hour or so watching some local surfers ride the tide from our lanai.

Sigh. This is a rough life.