Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Perfect Day in Kauai

If I could imagine a perfect day in Kauai, it would go something like this...
A slow, yummy breakfast with a couple cups of strong, local brew (coffee), followed by an hour's snorkel at a lava rock and white sand beach just steps from our condo. We'd come upon a herd of napping sea turtles, who would waken and in their curiousity, float up to the surface to swim and frolic with us in the gentle surf.

We'd dry off and laze about in the sun for a while, and then find a local hole-in-the-wall take out place for a catch-of-the-day fish burger. Ono, perhaps? After that we'd do a little sight-seeing and picture taking, and find another beautiful beach. Instead of snorkeling, we'd forget our ages and jump into the waves like a couple of little kids. We'd resign ourselves to the sea, and let her bounce and tumble us around for a good, long while.

Once our suits were well and full of sand, we'd head home to clean up and find a spot to watch the sunset before setting out in search of another Mai Tai to sample - after spending an hour or so watching some local surfers ride the tide from our lanai.

Sigh. This is a rough life.

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